Ayurveda: A world where diabetes can do no harm

  • Rashmi Tokas Rana Department of Agada Tantra, SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Karnataka, India
  • Raja Ram Mahto Department of Agada Tantra, SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Karnataka, Indiaa
Keywords: Ayurveda, Diabetes, Lifestyle disorders, Pramehi, Traditional medicine


The acceptance and inclination of people towards so-called westernization have lead the human into a great trap of lifestyle-related disorders like diabetes. An alarming increase in the incidence of diabetes is an issue of great concern worldwide. India has turned out to be the diabetic capital of the world. The whole world is having an eye over Ayurveda with a hope to provide a better standard of living. A 65-year old aged person came to the OPD of All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) with the complaints of frequent urination, generalized weakness, tingling sensation, etc. markedly high blood sugar levels and no such associated complications. He had a sitting job profile of long-hours duration and had a sedentary lifestyle. The patient was examined using all Ayurvedic parameters and WHO criteria as well. After a thorough examination, he was diagnosed as diabetic or stoola pramehi with kaphapittaja prakriti for the very first time. He was prescribed with traditional Ayurvedic medications as mainstream therapy without any other system of medicine. He is on Ayurvedic treatment for the last 2 years. Significant reduction in the blood sugar levels was noted and the quality of life improved to about three times with the ongoing Ayurvedic medicines and the dietary regimens mentioned in the classics. Presently, the patient is living with a good and appreciable standard of health. The immense commercial potential of Ayurvedic science and its three-dimensional approach towards maintaining health in the physical, mental and spiritual plane attracted the highly stressed western population who have reached the saturation point of emotional, physical and moral insecurity. Ayurveda has been constantly struggling to keep pace with the growing craze of its own people towards westernization.it can prove to be the most effective therapy to reduce the financial burden of lifestyle disorders like diabetes in future.