Interpreting Cinema Adaptations, Interrtextualities, Art Movements ; Jasbir jain; Rawat Publications; 2020; pp. xii+286; Rs 1295.

  • Purabi Panwar retired from College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi as Associate Professor in English.
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Interpreting Cinema Adaptations, Intertextualities, Art Movements is a collection of sixteen essays by Jasbir Jain that takes up the long journey of Hindi cinema from multiple perspectives. She takes up a theme like 'Constructing the Nation through the Semiotics of Difference', and discusses a few films which can be categorized under this. Some of these articles have been published earlier in a book she edited with SudhaRai. The growing importance of film studies can be gauged from her own words which hint at the purpose of such a study.To quote, 'Film making and film criticism are both highly advanced disciplines as they work with technologies, socio-political realities, histories of heartand histories of the world, and now film studies is a full-fledged discipline with several theoretical approaches…and has a strong foothold in serious academics.'
