Self- Liberation and National Struggle in Yemeni Women's Early Short Stories

  • Antelak Mh'd Abdulmalek Al - Mutawakil* Tomar Sana'a University
Keywords: Small Millets, Cereals, Nutrition Benefits, Value Addition


The first women's short story in the Yemen was published in the South in the 1960 at the beginning of the decade that was to witness national liberation movements in both the South and the North. In the South independence was gained from British colonial control in the 1967 when the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen was formed. During this decade women from the South began to publish short stories. In the North the revolution of 1962 led to the creation of the Yemen Arab Republic, ending the rule of the Imams. But for most of the rest of the decade there was instability and fighting between republican and loyalist forces. Women from the North started to publish short stories in the 1970's . Since then Yemeni women have continued to write and publish their stories in newspaper, magazines and in anthologies1