Modern Issues in the Selected Regional Short Stories of Abburi Chaya Devi Translated into English

  • Ronald Franklin Research Scholar, Dept. of English , School of Studies in English, Vikram Universtiy, Ujjain (MP).
  • Rooble Verma Associate Prof., School of Studies in English, Vikram Universtiy, Ujjain (MP).
Keywords: Regional, Translation, Short Story, Modern Issues


Stories have a rich and ancient legacy. They were even present before written form, even before language could come into animation. The journey of the short story is quite long and glorious. There has been an account of the history of short story writing in various books that reveal that after the oral tradition of narrating the stories there are pieces of evidence of the present story as an organized form from around 4800 BC. One of the book The World's Oldest Short Stories by Apuleius Petronius gives us an account for the ancientness in the origin of the short story. The History of short story on Indian soil has a very ancient, rich and colorful background. Pancha-Tantra (600 AD) one of the oldest collections of Indian short stories. The rich Indian tradition of writing short stories began in the Sanskrit language which was confined to a restricted class of elites. But later on, it spread in the Hindi language that was appreciated by masses. Later with the invasion of Mughals stories were written in languages like Farsi, Arabic, and Urdu with many dialects and amalgamation of a new language which had words of different tongues. With colonization came English which changed the course of writing short stories. Writers not only produced stories in English but also regional short stories were translated into English language to reach to the wider readers. Many great Indian short story writers, both men, and women uplifted the regional spirit to national and even to international waters and all this were possible because of the vital role of translation. The translated work acted as a fuel to the original as it made it possible for the regional writers to present the various concerns and issues to those who are not of that geographical area. The present paper presents an account of the modern issues dealt in the two selected short stories of renowned woman short story writer Abburi Chaya Devi ( 1933- ) Abburi Chaya Devi is a renowned name in Telugu language.