Analysis of Dhanurveda (Archery) according to Agnipurana

  • Jaysinh . Gohil Research Scholar, Baroda Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya , MSU Baroda , Vadodara Gujrat , India
Keywords: Archery Yajurveda Mahabharata


In Agnipuran, in the context of the description of Rajdharma and its parts, the description of archery is found starting from chapter 249 till chapter 252. Dhanurveda is a sub-veda of Yajurveda. In ancient times, this knowledge tradition was propagated with great respect all over India. Many books on Dhanurveda were available in ancient India, but in course of time almost all the books of Dhanurveda became endangered. Their description is found in some texts.
Research Article