The Concept of Shraddha - Unflinching Faith for Character Building

  • S. R. Dharwadkar .
Keywords: Character Building, Shraddha, Spiritual, Yoga sutra, Faith, Shaping life, Self-respect and National Integration.


India is a multifaceted country having diverse cultural background. National integration is of paramount importance where different ethnically groups are co-existing. Character Building is a solution to the problem. Seventeenth chapter of Bhagavad Gita, exclusively deals with concept ofS hraddha (the trust or faith). The attribute oft his trust has been elaborated by the great personality, namely Adi Shankaracharya, and Swami Vivekananda, who have defined and used the word Shraddha to project their understanding as an attribute of Character Building. The student community and those imparting or moulding the Character of the youth are required to understand this concept of trust for development of Nation.
Research Article