IAR Journal of Business Management https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM <p><strong>IAR Journal of Business Management</strong>&nbsp;Abbreviated Key Title: IAR&nbsp; Jr&nbsp; Bus Mgn.; ISSN Online: 2708-5147; ISSN Print: 2708-5139&nbsp; is peer reviewed, Bi-Monthly, open access Academic and Research Journal Published by International Academic &amp; Research Consortium, Kenya. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, Editorial Comments and other scientific studies within all the fields of&nbsp;<strong>Economics and Business Management</strong>.</p> International Academic & Research Consortium en-US IAR Journal of Business Management 2708-5139 Does Special Autonomy Funds Matter for Economic Performance? The Case of Aceh Province, Indonesia https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10138 This study aims to examine and analyze the effects of special autonomy funds on economic growth, poverty, inequality, and unemployment. It also attempts to study and analyze the effects of economic growth on poverty, inequality, and unemployment in 23 regencies/cities in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Using panel data from 2013-2019 and analyzed using the fixed-effect panel regression technique, this study found evidence that special autonomy funds promoted economic growth and reduced poverty, income inequality, and unemployment. Furthermore, the estimation results showed that economic growth increased poverty, income inequality, and unemployment. The results showed the effectiveness of special autonomy funds in improving the economic performance of 23 districts/cities in Aceh Province, Indonesia. However, economic growth has not been able to reduce poverty, income disparity, and unemployment. This shows the importance of redesigning inclusive economic development by formulating development policies that are pro-poor, pro-job creation, and pro-equal income distribution oriented by involving the active participation of the community collectively in economic development. Fitri . Hayati M. Shabri Abd. Majid Muhammad Nasir ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 45 51 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.007 Contribution of Public Transportation System in Economy: A case study of Auto Rickshaw in Lawngtlai Town https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10139 Importance of Public Transportation in the country’s economic development cannot be overemphasized. Urbanization and economic development go hand-in-hand wherein the standard of communication significantly influence the rate of growth. The higher the level of development, the smoother the flow of transport and communication system. Rapid influx of population from surrounding areas in a particular place demands corresponding growth in all aspects of life. But income enhancement can only bring the desired development once it is supported by conscious public policy aimed at it. Like the rest of the country, the transport sector can be regarded as one of the largest job creators in Lawngtlai. Daily services of sumo to state capital Aizawl and the neighbouring towns and Villages and other transport vehicles generated income for all sections of the people in the district, apart from other services connected with transport sector like servicing, filling stations, workshops, spare-parts dealings and many more. Being the headquarters of both the Lai Autonomous District Council and the Civil Administration, Lawngtlai town offers huge demand for public transportation. However, people rely heavily on auto rickshaw due absence of reliable bus service, poor road connections of different localities and income constraints. Very few taxi can be seen plying around in some places for day to day living. C. Lalthlamuana ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 40 44 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.006 Distribution and Management Effectiveness of Village Funds in Improving the Village Community Empowerment and Welfare https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10140 This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of village fund distribution and management on the welfare of the village community by increasing empowerment as a mediator. The population in this study was all villages in Pidie Regency, accumulation of 730 villages. The sampling method used was Cluster/Area random sampling, with the sampling technique carried out using the Stratified proportional random sampling technique based on the village category. The sample taken is 258 respondents. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) model is used to analyze the effectiveness of village fund distribution and management through mediating role of community empowerment. The results showed that village fund distribution and management effectively affect the community's welfare, and community empowerment acts as a mediating variable and effectively improves the village community's wellbeing. Fitriyana M. Shabri Abd. Majid Ridwan Nurdin ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 31 38 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.005 The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation, and Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction and Performance on Medical and Paramedical Personnel (Case Study at Public Health Center in Indonesia) https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10141 Human resources play a very important role because humans are the cogs of all company activities. Efforts to improve performance are carried out through a well-organized leadership system and motivating to increase employee morale. This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership, work motivation, and organizational commitment on employee performance. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in this study were all medical and paramedical personnel at the Public health center in Surabaya, Indonesia, totaling 60 people. Samples were taken as many as 60 employees with the sampling technique of Non-Probability Sampling with Saturated Sampling, where all members of the population became the sample. The data obtained through the questionnaire were then tested for validity and reliability using the product-moment correlation formula and Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis, F test, t-test, and coefficient of determination test and was accompanied by classical assumption testing. The results showed that: (1) Individual/partial transformational leadership did not affect the performance of medical and paramedical officers at Public health center in Surabaya, Indonesia. This is evident from the results of the t-test to obtain a t-value of 1.028 with a t-table of 2.05 with a significance level of 5%. This means that transformational leadership that is carried out partially without being followed by work motivation and organizational commitment will not affect employee performance. (2) Work motivation has a positive effect on the performance of medical officers and paramedics at the Public health center in Surabaya, Indonesia. This is evident from the results of the t-test to obtain a t-value of 34.013 with a t-table of 2.05 with a significance level of 5%, then H2 is accepted. This means that the higher the employee's work motivation, the performance will increase. (3) Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on the performance of medical officers and paramedics at the Public Health Center. This is evident from the results of the t-test to obtain a t-value of 3.478 with a t-table of 2.05 with a significance level of 5%, then H3 is accepted. This means that the higher the organizational commitment of employees, the performance will increase. 05 with a significance level of 5%, then H2 is accepted. This means that the higher the employee's work motivation, the performance will increase. (3) Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on the performance of medical officers and paramedics at the s. This is evident from the results of the t-test to obtain a t-value of 3.478 with a t-table of 2.05 with a significance level of 5%, then H3 is accepted. This means that the higher the organizational commitment of employees, the performance will increase. 05 with a significance level of 5%, then H2 is accepted. This means that the higher the employee's work motivation, the performance will increase. (3) Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on the performance of medical officers and paramedics at the Public health center in Surabaya, Indonesia. This is evident from the results of the t-test to obtain a t-value of 3.478 with a t-table of 2.05 with a significance level of 5%, then H3 is accepted. This means that the higher the organizational commitment of employees, the performance will increase. then H3 is accepted. This means that the higher the organizational commitment of employees, the performance will increase. then H3 is accepted. This means that the higher the organizational commitment of employees, the performance will increase. Novie Noordiana Rachma Yulia Suryati Eko Putro Arlisa Indriawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 22 30 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.004 Potential Market Countries for Indonesia’s Tourism https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10142 This study aims to describe the potential of a country in terms of tourism demand. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method by normalizing secondary data to identify the size of the market potential of a country. Based on the analysis carried out, two countries fall into the category of very high potential, namely Singapore and Hong Kong, two countries that are classified in the category of high potential, including Malaysia and China, while four countries that fall into the category of medium potential, namely Australia, Netherlands, Russia, and Sweden. It is important for the Indonesian government to further optimize countries with high gross travel propensity to increase tourist visits, while a good tourism product development strategy is carried out to keep tourists from staying longer and spending more money while in Indonesia. This study succeeded in describing the potential of the Indonesian tourism market based on four tourism indicators, namely the number of visits, length of stay, average tourist spending during their visit, as well as gross travel propensity. Addin Maulana Rakhman Priyatmoko Dini Oktaviyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 15 21 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.003 Consumer Buying Decision Making Models In Terms Of Covid 19 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10143 The article analyses the definition of consumer decision-making, theoretical aspects of the consumer purchasing decision model, traditional consumer purchasing decision model, consumer purchasing decision model according to COVID 19. The article is based on the analysis of scientific literature and case studies. The study includes theoretical analysis of the literature, as well as case studies and comparative analysis. A consumer purchasing decision model has been developed in line with COVID 19. Margarita Išoraitė ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 9 14 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.002 Ceo Overconfidence and Risk Taking in Indonesian Banking Sectors https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJBM/article/view/10144 This study aims to test the effect of CEO Overconfidence on the risk-taking behaviour of Indonesian banks. Using 1,007 bank-year observations from 2000-2018, the samples were categorized into four classifications of BUKU (Commercial Bank Based -BUKU 1, BUKU 2, BUKU 3 and BUKU 4. This study contributes to the attribution theory of self-serving bias theory (Miller and Ross, 1975). The attribution theory explains that a person's behavior in achieving success tends to be associated with better results. We find that CEO overconfidence positively affects Net Interest Margin (NIM), BOPO (Operating Expenses to Operating Income), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) in Commercial Bank in Indonesia. The results of this study can prove one of the behavioral biases, namely overconfidence in influencing risk taking. Furthermore, overconfidence theory predicts that CEO overconfidence behavior tends to be stronger in risk taking. The prediction of overconfidence theory can be proven from the positive influence of CEO Overconfidence in bank risk taking. In practical terms, this research contributes to build risk taking bank behavior model in Indonesia. Darus Altin Ridwan . Nurazi Fitri Saiful Santi Saiful . ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2022-02-28 2022-02-28 3 01 1 8 10.47310/iarjbm.2022.v03i01.001