Epidemiology and Trends in the Treatment of Cholelithiasis in 21st Centure: A Critical Review

  • A Chaudhary Dr Amita Chaudhary, MO [Surgery], DistrictSolan, Himachal Pradesh, India
  • R Singh Dr Resham Singh, State Program Officer,National Health Mission, Himachal Pradesh,India
Keywords: Cholelithiasis, Epidemiology, Prevention, Management.


Cholelithiasis is 10-15% prevalent in India and approximately 1-2% of asymptomatic patients will develop symptoms and require cholecystectomy each year. There has also been a remarkable shift in the trend of gall stone disease from middle aged, fertile, fat, females to young asthenic females in their twenties. Open cholecystectomy was the standard treatment for symptomatic gallstones for more than 100 years. Today, laparoscopic surgery is preferred because it involves less postoperative pain, a rapid recovery period, a greater degree of comfort and a better cosmetic appearance from smaller incisions. Today, laparoscopic surgery is preferred because it involves less postoperative pain, a rapid recovery period, a greater degree of comfort and a better cosmetic appearance from smaller incisions.