IAR Journal of Medical Sciences https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS <h5>“IAR&nbsp; Journal of Medical Sciences” Abbreviated Key Title: Spi Int J Med Sci; ISSN - 2708-3594 (Online) and Open Access is peer reviewed, Bi-Monthly,&nbsp; Open Access Academic And Research Journal Published By International Academic &amp; Research Consortium, Kenya. This Journal Publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, Editorial Comments and Other Scientific Studies within All the Fields of Medical sciences.<br><br>This Journal publishes in all major disciplines and sub disciplines of Medical Sciences like- Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cytology, Embryology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Histology, Immunology, Medical physics, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Neuroscience, Nutrition science, Pathology, Pharmacology, Photobiology, Physiology, Radiobiology, Toxicology, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and gynecology, Oncology, Surgery, Ophthalmic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngology(ENT), Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Transplant Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Urology , Vascular Surgery, Angiology/Vascular Medicine, Cardiology, Critical care medicine, Dermatology, Emergency medicine, Endocrinology, Family medicine, Forensic medicine, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Hematology, Hepatology, Hospice and palliative medicine, Infectious disease, Intensive care medicine, Nephrology, Palliative care, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Sports Medicine etc…</h5> en-US [email protected] (Mohammad Nasim) Sun, 10 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Clinical Presentations of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10126 Back Ground: ITP is the most common cause of thrombocytopenia in children and is a result of immunologically mediated increased platelet destruction, which is usually acute and self-limiting but may be a recurrent or chronic disorder. Aim of Study: Assessment of clinical manifestation of ITP in children. Patient and Methods: A prospective study was performed on 60 patients diagnosed as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura admitted to central child teaching hospital from 1st of January to 3o September 2011. Diagnosis was based on clinical and laboratory tests including bone marrow aspiration. Results: The age ranged from 6 months to 13 years and majority of cases were between 1-5 years, 68.3 % were males and 31.7 % were females, male to female ratio 2.1 : 1 . History of upper respiratory tract infection preceded the onset of illness in 71.7 % of patients. Where the Duration between Preceding URTI and ITP Up to 1 week in 30.2 % and > 1 week in 79.8 % Concerning the distribution of cases according to the season of the year: One case (1.7%) found during January, four cases (6.7%) during February, six cases (10.0%) during March, five cases (8.3%) during April, ten cases (16.7%) during May, eight cases (13.3%) during June, 14 cases (23.3%) during July , five cases (8.3%) during August, and seven cases (11. 7%) during September. This distribution was significant (P less than 0.05). The commonest presentation was cutaneous bleeding in 60 %, Mucous Membrane bleeding 1.7 %, both 38.3 % , Splenomegaly with bleeding 6.7 % , Hepatomegaly with bleeding 8.3 %, Lymphadeno-pathy with bleeding 5 % . In 69 % of cases the initial platelet count was less than 20.000 /mm³. 37.9 % had anemia. Bone marrow examination done in 56 case and all were normal. In this study, one case die due to intracranial hemo – rrhage . we didn’t include the management because the patients receive different types of treatments ( mostly by steroid , some by IVIG and anti-D ) , most of patients examined by bone marrow aspiration which was normal , and also we didn’t include the follow up because of most of the patients didn’t come for follow up. Conclusion: The disease is self-limited , most cases at age of 1-5 years , male affected more than female , most cases preceded by upper respiratory tract infections , most cases presented by skin bleeding. Muntasre Issa Rahema, Murtadha Ibrahim Mohammed ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10126 Sun, 10 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0200 Hodgkin Lymphoma in children six years Experience of Children Welfare Teaching Hospital https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10127 Background: Hodgkin disease is characterized by progressive enlargement of lymph nodes. It is considered unicentric in origin and has predictable pattern of spread by extension to contiguous nodes. Material and Methods: Over a 6-year period, from January 1st 2003 to December 31st 2009 a retrospective study was done for 86 children with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who were admitted to the pediatric oncology unit in Children Welfare Teaching Hospital, The follow up period extended to February 10th 2011. Results: The patients were referred to from 11 governorates, 42 patients (48.8%) were from Baghdad. Highest rate of referral occurred during 2009 compared to previous years of the study. There were 63 (73.3%) males and 23(47.8%) females; male to female ratio was 2.7:1. Fifty eight patients (67.4%) presented with age group between 6-10 years, with a median age of 8 years and mean age of 7.8 years, ranged 2 years to 12.4 years. Cervical lymph node enlargement was found in 64 (74.4%) patients, followed by supraclavicular lymph node enlargement in 8 (9.3%) patients. B symptoms (weight loss, fever, and night sweating), were found in 37/80 patients (43%) The mean duration of illness was 7.5 months. Stage III was seen in 42 (48.8%) patients, followed by stage II in 33 (39.5%) patients, stage I in 10 (11.6%) patients and nil for stage IV. The commonest histopathological finding was Mixed cellularity in 71(82.6%) patients, then lymphocyte predominant in 12 (14%) patients, nodular sclerosis in 2 (2.3%) patients, and lymphocyte depleted in 1 (1.2%) patients. Seven patients were excluded from treatment outcome (4 treated with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma protocol, 1 died before treatment, 1 refused treatment by the family, and 1 treated in another institute. From 79 patients who received chemotherapy; fifty six (70.9%) patients finished treatment and remained free of disease till time of last follow up, 1 (1.3%) patient died during treatment, 12 (15.2%) patients relapsed after finishing treatment, 4 (5%) patients abandoned treatment and 6 (7.6%) patients got progressive disease during treatment. At median follow up period of 36 months, ranged from 1 month – 82 months; Event free survival is 70.9%.Sevently-two (89.9%) patients were alive till time of last follow up, 2 (2.5%) died, and 5 (6.3%) lost follow up. Conclusions: Males were more commonly affected than females and age group between 6-10 years was the most common. Stage III and mixed cellularity histopathological subtype were most common. Event free and overall survival is improving, yet it is below the standard reported in other countries. Murtadha Ibrahim Mohammed , Ali Gedis Shareef AL_ Fadhli ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10127 Mon, 02 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0100 A Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Programmed Labour and Epidural Analgesia on Onset and Duration of Stages of Labour https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10128 Background: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of programmed labour and epidural analgesia on onset and duration of stages of labour. Material and Methods: This randomized interventional clinical trial was conducted in department of Anaesthesia at Kamla Nehru State Hospital for Mother and Child, Indira Gandhi medical College Shimla in collaboration with Department of Anaesthesia on eighty uncomplicated pregnant women that were divided into two groups of 40 patients each by block randomization. One group received programmed labour protocol (Injection Pentazocine 6 mg + Injection Diazepam 2 mg IV + Injection Tramadol 1-1.5 mg/kg I.M therafter a single dose of injection Drotaverine 40 mg intravenously) while the other group received epidural analgesia. They were monitored for VAS score before and after intervention. Results: The two groups were comparable in terms of patients characteristics (age, parity, period of gestation). Both groups were comparable in terms of onset of labour Spontaneous labour seen in 65-70% of subjects. Regarding the duration of active phase of labour, In our study, In group 1 duration of active phase of 1 stage of labour was 215 min, and in group 2 it was 204 minutes with standard deviation of 32 minutes in group 1 and 40.4 minutes in group 2 respectively. Using student ‘t’ test this difference was found to be significant statistically. (P value less than 0.005). The mean duration of second stage of labour was 24.3 in group 1 and 35.8 min in group 2 with significant p valueless than 0.005. The mean duration of third stage of labour in our study was 5.89 minutes in group 1 and 5.7 min group 2. This difference is statistically insignificant (using student ‘t’ test (>0.005). Conclusion: Our study concluded that there was significant difference in first and second stage of labour in both groups while there was no significant difference in third stage and onset of labour in both groups. Jyotika Bala, Suman Thakur ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10128 Mon, 02 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Comparing the Effect of Programmed Labour and Epidural Analgesia on Vas Score before and After Intervention: A Randomized Interventional Clinical Trial https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10129 Background: The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of programmed labour and epidural analgesia on VAS score before and after intervention. Material and Methods: This randomized Interventional clinical trial was conducted in department of Anaesthesia at Kamla Nehru State Hospital for Mother and Child, Indira Gandhi medical College Shimla in collaboration with Department of Anaesthesia on eighty uncomplicated pregnant women that were divided into two groups of 40 patients each by block randomization. One group received programmed labour protocol (Injection Pentazocine 6 mg + Injection Diazepam 2 mg IV + Injection Tramadol 1-1.5 mg/kg I.M therafter a single dose of injection Drotaverine 40 mg intravenously) while the other group received epidural analgesia. They were monitored for VAS score before and after intervention. Results: The two groups were comparable in terms of patients characteristics (age, parity, period of gestation). Majority of the patients (90%) were in the age group of 20-30 years in both groups. The mean age of the women in the group 1 was 26.5 years as compared to 26.9 year in group 2. VAS Score was studied in both groups before and after intervention. In group 1 before analgesia ,the VAS Score was 9.2 while after giving programmed labour the mean VAS score at 5 min was 8.1 suggestive of mild relief while at 15 minutes ,it improved to 4.5 suggestive of moderate pain relief. In group 2, the VAS score was 2.5 at 15 minutes and 0.00 at 30 minutes after epidural which suggest significantly low level of pain. P value was highly significant when compared with group 1 at 15 minutes and at 30 minutes. Conclusion: Both programmed labour protocol and epidural analgesia provides good pain relief among parturients but excellent results seen in group 2 receiving epidural analgesia. The VAS Score in group 2 was superior and more effective than Group 1 with significant p value. Jyotika Bala, Rita Mittal ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/IARJMS/article/view/10129 Mon, 02 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0100