Book Review: The Discourse of Peer Review: Reviewing Submissions to Academic Journals, Brian Paltridge. Palgrave Macmillan, London (2017). xiv + 235 pp. ISBN 978-1-137-48735-3. ISBN 978-1-137-48736-0 (eBook). Hardcover €99.99. E-book €83.29.

  • HENG Kimkong School of Education, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
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Peer review is “the cornerstone of academic publication” and peer-reviewed publication is regarded as “the gold standard of academic scholarship (Tardy, 2019, p. 272). The genre of peer review is usually threatening and mysterious, especially to junior scholars. Navigating the peer review process successfully requires the development of a level of competence in academic writing. To help beginning authors new to the genre of peer review understand the peer review process, Brian Paltridge has written a book titled The Discourse of Peer Review: Reviewing Submissions to Academic Journals.