Behavior of Soil Condition under Theoretical and Practical Approach: A State of the Art Review

  • Raghavendra Bhorhari P. G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Oriental University, Indore (M.P.), India
  • Yusuf . HOD 8 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Oriental University, Indore (M.P.), India
  • Arvind Vishwakarma Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Oriental University, Indore (M.P.), India
Keywords: Soil Structure Interaction, Bore Hole, SSI, SBC, Soil Profile, Foundation, Superstructure.


This article presents a brief review on soil condition of different location 8 strata with respect to the theoretical and practical aspect. It is found that the properties of the soil are important aspect to role part in the design aspect of foundation 8 superstructure constructed above on it. The below substructure part analysis such as bore hole, SSI, SBC 8 other effects. The review concluded that the soil profile is found to distinct properties in all aspect such as index properties, colours, strength etc. It also vary with theoretical approach adopted for the calculation so it is important to study and analyse between theoretical and practical approach and co-relation between them.