Stability Enhancement in Wall Belt Supported Dual Structural System using Different Grades of Concrete

  • Sagar Jamle Department of Civil Engineering, Oriental University, Indore, India
  • Durgesh Kumar Upadhyay Department of Civil Engineering, Oriental University, Indore, India
Keywords: Bending Moments, Concrete Grade, Displacement, Dual System, Multistoried Building, Shear Force, Shear Wall, Wall Belt


The tall structures are preferred due to less consumption of the land area for living purpose. The earthquake activities in this approach made it more complicated. The I.S. 1893 shows the seismic zones where the shakes are observed. The shear wall belt system so introduced to make the tall structure stiff and the lateral movement of the same will reduced. To demonstrate this, total 10 tall structures are prepared and analyze it by applying the wall belt of different thickness of different grades. After deep comparative analysis, it has been found out that Building case B7 emerges as the best wall belt grade stability case.