Searching time reduction of dies by implementing ABC analysis in Automotive Industry

  • Suyog Darawade Students of Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra-412207, India
  • Patil S Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, M.P., India
  • Madhavi Abdagire Students of Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra-412207, India
  • Hemant Suryawanshi Students of Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra-412207, India
  • Purushottam Kulkarni Students of Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra-412207, India
Keywords: ABC Analysis, non-value added time, Performance improvement, 5S, Productivity Improvement


This paper clarifies the execution of ABC analysis in store division of press part producing industry to improve the die searching time of all procedure of the organization .This examination depends on execution of ABC analysis framework and end of various sorts of misfortune from the organization .it tends to be seen that actualizing the ABC framework will prompts the major gainful change in die searching time reduction, just is likewise improve it workplace for instance improving the normal working ,improving visual die searching time. ABC method of inventory control involves a system that controls inventory and is used for materials and throughout the distribution management.