Basics of Victimology for Medical Personnel

  • Rakesh K. Gorea Professor and Head, Forensic Medicine, Gian Sagar Medical College, Ram Nagar, Punjab, India
Keywords: Ethics, Restorative justice, Rights of the victims, Victim, Victimology.


Forensic physicians, gynecologists, forensic nurses, emergency medical officers and other doctors are coming across victims of violence and they need to know the basics of victimology. They need to know how to deal with them to recognize the investigative, therapeutic, judicial, social and cultural needs of the victims. They should know that victims have the right. A brief exploration of the various aspects of victimology which can be useful to the medical stakeholders is being introduced and discussed in this paper. Starting from the history of victimology to the various theories of its origin, victim's rights, victimology ethics, and the financial burden on the society are being discussed in this paper so that medical professionals can get aware of these aspects of victimology and ultimately this knowledge can guide and help them to deal with the victims rightfully.