A Pre-experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Substances Abuse among Boys at Selected Senior Secondary Schools in Jalandhar, Punjab state of India

  • Jagwinder Singh Vocation trainer coordinator, Vidyanta skills institute Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon, India
  • Rajratan Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing College, AIIMS Bhopal, India
  • Reema J. Andrade Registered Nurse, Northern Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple, United Kingdom
Keywords: Effectiveness, Substances abuse, Boys, Senior secondary schools.


Background: Substances abuse is dangerous not only for health but also in the view of economic and social values. The habit of substance abuse becomes the cause of purposeless waste of money and affects health. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching program on knowledge regarding substances abuse among boys at selected senior secondary schools. Methodology: A pre-experimental pretest-posttest is used. The setting is at senior secondary schools Jalandhar. The sample includes 60 boys selected by a convenient sampling technique. The tool consisted: Part 1 demographic variables and part 2 structured knowledge questionnaire. The reliability of the tool was established by using the split-half method. Results: The study’s findings show that the mean score, median score and SD in the pre-test were 12.78, 12.5 and 2.92, respectively, whereas the mean score, median score, and SD in post-test were 22.58, 23 and 2.02, respectively. The calculated ‘t’ value was found to be 19.2 while the tabulated value of the ‘t’ at 0.05 level of significance is 1.645, which is lesser than the calculated ‘t’ value. It was safely assumed that STP had a definite impact on raising students’ knowledge of substances abuse.