Chromosome pairing analysis in interspecific hybrids among tetraploid species of Eleusine (Poaceae)

  • R. M. Devarumath Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Division, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari (BK), Pune 412 307
  • S. S. Sheelavantmath Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Division, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari (BK), Pune 412 307
  • S. C. Hiremath Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Division, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari (BK), Pune 412 307
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The genus Eleusine Gaertn. (Poaceae) comprises 9- 12 species of predominantly African origin, including four polyploid species, viz., E. africana, E. coracana (2n = 36) and E. kigeziensis (2n = 38) are reported as allotetraploid, and E. floccifolia (2n = 36) reported as autoployploid [1, 2]. All the species grows in wild except E. coracana which is a cultivated species commonly known as finger millet. E. africana is considered a close relative of cultivated species.