Exploring phenotypic expression to augment quality of Triticum aestivum and improve selection efficiency

  • D. Mohan ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal 132 001, Haryana
  • R. K. Gupta ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal 132 001, Haryana
Keywords: Bread wheat cultivars, end-product quality, morphological trait, selection efficiency, wheat grain quality


Contribution of height, heading days and grain ripening period was examined in quality parameters of 50 Indian bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars by regression analysis. Their collective contribution was highly significant in end-product quality. These traits also contributed in gluten and protein contents, extraction rate, test weight, grain appearance and yellow pigments but sedimentation volume, gluten index and grain hardness remained unfazed. Heading days was the most prominent factor as it contributed positively in flour recovery, protein and gluten contents, test weight, grain appearance, chapati score and negatively in biscuit spread factor and yellow pigments. Steady grain ripening enhanced physical grain properties whereas reverse was true for protein content and cookies. Height reduced bran content and improved chapati score but quality of the bread was hampered. Study demonstrated that phenotypic indicator could supplement quality of endproducts and make the selection procedure simpler and improvised. In hard grain varieties, plant height and early flowering suited chapati quality. Reduced height enhanced benefits incurred from gluten content and its quality in bread making. Grain softness and reduced gluten content was more rewarding when supported by quick grain ripening.