Analysis of polymorphism of microsatellite markers linked to a longterm net form of net blotch resistance gene in winter barley varieties in the south of Russia

  • A. A. Dontsova Agricultural Research Center, Donskoy, Zernograd, Russia 347710
  • A. V. Alabushev Agricultural Research Center, Donskoy, Zernograd, Russia 347710
  • M. V. Lebedeva All-Russian Institute of Genetic Resources of Plants named after N.I. Vavilov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 190000
  • E. K. Potokina All-Russian Institute of Genetic Resources of Plants named after N.I. Vavilov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 190000
Keywords: Barley, resistance, gene, alleles, net form of net blotch.


Net form of net blotch (NFNT) is the most dangerous and devastating disease of barley causing huge losses in Russia. Highly effective gene rpt 5 determining resistance to net blotch pathogen in Russia was used in the study. A set of 95 winter barley indigenous and exotic varieties were studied to identify the genotypes with the alleles of 153 and 155 bp for the locus bmag173 and the alleles of 186, 188, 192 bp for the locus hvm74 exhibiting resistance to the net blotch pathogen (Pyrenophora teres Drechs. f. teres) occurring in North Caucasus region of Russia.