A Detection for University Using Face Recognition

  • G Anto Gabriel
  • Ajani Viraj Jayantibhai
  • Nuthana M
  • , Chandana Suresh M
  • M N Nachappa
Keywords: .


The implementation of face recognition technology in university environments has emerged as a pivotal
solution for bolstering security measures and ensuring the safety of students, faculty, and staff. This project focuses on
developing a robust face recognition system integrated into an admin panel tailored specifically for security purposes
within a university setting. By leveraging advanced biometric factors, such as facial recognition, the system aims to
enhance surveillance capabilities, mitigate security risks, and streamline access control processes. Through the creation
of a comprehensive database of known individuals and proactive identification of unknown persons, the system offers
real-time monitoring and alerts to administrators, thereby fortifying security protocols within the university campus.
