Combating the Hidden Threat: A Survey of Cryptojacking

  • Bhuvanesh B MCA Student, School of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University), Bangalore, India
  • Murugan R Professor, School of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University), Bangalore, India
Keywords: Cryptojacking, browser-base, Host-based, Performance degradation, Endpoint security.


The illicit use of computer resources for mining cryptocurrencies, or "cryptojacking," has become a common cyberthreat in the online world. This analysis explores the various aspects of cryptojacking and the sly methods that attackers use. We look at how malicious scripts can be hidden and used to steal processing power for nefarious purposes in seemingly authentic websites or ads. We also look into how cryptojacking affects people, companies, and vital infrastructure, pointing out possible issues including service interruptions, data breaches, and performance degradation. The study concludes by examining mitigating techniques, such as network segmentation for enterprises, user education, and strong security software, to counter this growing threat. We can protect our digital assets and negotiate the always shifting danger landscape by being aware of the techniques, effects, and possible countermeasures against cryptojacking.Cryptojacking can lead to performance degradation, increased energy bills, and data breaches