The Role of Packaging Design in Influencing Purchase Decisions and Sales with Special Reference to Parle Company

  • Mukesh Yadav MBA (Marketing and Supply Chain Management), NIMS University, Jaipur, India Assistant Professor, NIMS University, Jaipur, India
  • Priyanka Ranawat Assistant Professor, NIMS University, Jaipur, India
  • Rishav Shrivastav MBA (Information Technology and Marketing), NIMS University, Jaipur, India
Keywords: Fmcg, Packaging, Packaging Design, Consumer Behaviour


Packaging is the most important factor in FMCG company .with the help of packaging we are attract the customer to our products. Packaging and design of the product increase the sell in the market. If our customer is not attract our products then our sell is not increase so we make a strategy to build an effective packaging. Packaging of a product has many functions including containment, protection, convenience and communication. Product packaging servers to consolidate of unit loads of shipping, to protect the product inside during the period of shipping, to convey necessary information. Other than these functions packaging is also used in marketing activities. The labels on the product can be used to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product. Companies use attractive colours, logos, symbols and captions to promote that can influence purchase decision. Although the fundamental role of packaging is to contain, protect and preserve product content, it is also a strategically important marketing communication tool. This chapter provides an overview of the roles of packaging, with a particular emphasis on packaging as a marketing communication vehicle. This chapter first discusses the four functions of packaging: Containment, protection and preservation, convenience, and communication. It then examines packaging from a marketing perspective and presents research to support the effectiveness of packaging in influencing consumer behaviour.