Harnessing Automation and IIoT in Air Traffic Control for Advanced Efficiency and Safety

  • Anamika Pramod Viswanathan MCA Scholar, School of CS&IT, Jain University, Bangalore, India
  • Kamalraj R Professor, MCA Department, School of CS&IT, Jain University, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Air Traffic Control (ATC), Automation, Operational Hazards, Radar surveillance, IoT sensors, Aviation environment.


The combination of automation and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology has transformed air traffic control (ATC), improving efficiency and safety in aviation. This article investigates the varied influence of automation and IIoT on ATC operations, emphasizing their importance in maximizing airspace use, boosting situational awareness, and limiting operational hazards. The advent of automatic flight data processing, radar surveillance, and automated decision-support technologies has reduced controller workload and increased operational efficiency in ATC. IIoT sensors and devices enable ATC systems to integrate real-time data on aircraft positions, weather, and runway status, allowing controllers to make more informed decisions and manage air traffic flow. Finally, automation and IIoT have evolved into critical tools for upgrading air traffic control, assisting controllers in managing airspace congestion, optimizing operational performance and safely and quick, efficient traffic movement. This study examines how automation and IIoT alter ATC operations, resulting in a more efficient, robust, and sustainable aviation environment. Keywords— Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Air Traffic Control (ATC), Automation, Operational Hazards, Radar surveillance, IoT sensors, Aviation environment.