Two-Dimensional Customer Segmentation for Digital Custom Coupon Issuance Approach

  • Pitta.Srirama.Pavan Kumar M. Tech, Dept. of CSE, Miracle Educational Society Group of Institutions, Miracle City, Munjeru Village, Bhogapuram Mandal, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Ch. Kodanda Ramu Associate Professor, Miracle Educational Society Group of Institutions, Miracle City, Munjeru Village, Bhogapuram Mandal, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: big data, machine learning, two layer, shopping.


With the improvement of large information and profound learning innovation, enormous information and profound learning innovation have likewise been applied to the showcasing field, which was a piece of business organization. Client agitate the board is one of the main areas of promoting. In this paper, we proposed a technique to forestall client beat and increment buy transformation rate by giving tweaked rebate coupons to clients with high stir rate in light of huge information continuously. In the wake of sectioning client portions with two-layered fragment examination, a continuous beat rate assessment model in light of clickstream information was created for each portion. From that point onward, we gave tweaked coupons to our clients. At last, we tried the transformation rate and deals development. A two-layered group investigation based stir rate assessment joined with a proposal framework was viewed as essentially more helpful than the particular straightforward models. Utilizing this proposed model, it is feasible to increment deals via consequently assessing the client's stir likelihood and shopping penchant without the weight of showcasing costs in the web based shopping center