Financial Implications of Fast Fashion in India: A Comprehensive Study on Profitability, Sustainability, and Consumer Behavior

  • Muskan Mishra MBA Student, NIMS School of Business Studies, NIMS University, Jaipur Rajasthan, India
  • Yerragola Prakash Associate Professor, NIMS School of Business Studies, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: Fast fashion, India, financial impact, profitability, sustainability practices, consumer preferences, clothing industry, environmental concerns, brand loyalty, price sensitivity, sustainable fashion alternatives


The emergence of fast fashion has significantly impacted the Indian clothing industry. This research investigates the financial dimensions of fast fashion in India, focusing on profitability, sustainability, and consumer behavior. The study analyzes how fast fashion affects the profitability of clothing companies in India. It also examines the sustainability practices adopted within the fast fashion sector and their implications for both businesses and the environment. Moreover, the research explores the influence of consumer behavior on the financial performance of fast fashion brands in India, considering variables such as price sensitivity, brand loyalty, and the growing demand for sustainable options. By providing insights into these areas, this study aims to offer valuable perspectives on the financial dynamics of fast fashion in India, aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions to balance profitability with sustainability in the industry.