International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering, Technology & Management <div class="about-content"> <p>The International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (IJMRSETM) is an Open Access, High Impact Factor, International, Monthly, Peer-Reviewed &amp; Multidisciplinary Journal. The journal aims at promoting innovative research in various disciplines of Science, Engineering and Technology.’</p> <p>"IJMRSETM invites authors to submit original and unpublished work in terms of written reviews, short communications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines that communicates current research. It has proficient academicians and researchers as editorial board members across the world. The core vision of IJMRSETM is to promote the academic and research professionals in the field of Science, Engineering and Technology. The journal also invites clearly written research, reviews, short communications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines covered by the fields."</p> </div> en-US Mon, 04 Sep 2023 11:47:32 +0000 OJS 60 Consumer Behavior towards Digital Marketing in Flipkart <p>One of the best methods of disobedience nowadays is the Internet as a platform for conducting business and acting as a business person. Here, both new and established firms create their websites in addition to the size trends and network idea needs that are needed to move forward and better realisation. As the internet can be used directly for advertising and buying, it is important for website owners to sell useful and educational websites. PR, sales, and customer service. The first attempts at e-commerce between vendors and consumers occurred more than ten years ago. Future purchasers are a topic that both academics and e-commerce specialists are always working to better comprehend.</p> Md Arsalan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000