Sucrose and Facilitated Tucking for Pain Among Neonates Receiving Vaccination, in Puducherry

  • Sujatha S. SRM Medical University and Research Centre, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
  • Rebecca Samson SRM Medical University and Research Centre, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
  • Christopher Amalraj SRM Medical University and Research Centre, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
  • Sundaresan SRM Medical University and Research Centre, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
Keywords: BCG Vaccine, sucrose, facilitated tucking, Neonates, Procedural pain, NIPS score.


Neglected pain in neonates leads to various ill effects and it can be prevented by using simple and safe non-pharmacological pain relieving measures. Pharmacologic agents are not recommended in neonates for acute pain due toinvasive procedures however, administration of 24% oralsucrose solutionis found to be effective. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of 24%oral sucrose in combination with Facilitated tucking during BCG Vaccination through intradermalroute in term neonates which is not done elsewhere. Fifty five healthy term neonates who fulfilled the inclusion criteria such as gestational age above 37 weeks, within 24 hoursof birth age, and neonates delivered only through spontaneous vaginal delivery were included in the study. The study intervention consists of administration of 2 ml of oral 24% sucrose 2 minutes before BCG Vaccination through intradermal route and Facilitated tuckingat the time of vaccination. The primary outcome measure of cumulative NIPS score at 0, 3,5 minuteswas not significant in both the study groups. Whereas there was significant reduction in the level of pain and mean cry time in the neonates of sucrose group. Heart rateand oxygen saturation after intradermal injection also showed significant (p less then 0.001) differenceamong the neonates, who received 24% of oral sucroseand Facilitated tucking than for neonates of control group. Thus oral (24%)sucrose solution given 2 minutes before injection was effective in reducing level of neonatal pain following Intradermal Vaccination. It is a simple, safe and fast acting analgesic and should be considered for minor invasive procedures in term neonates which last for 5-7minutes.