Association of Lipid Profile, Atherogenic Indices, and LPL Hind-III Gene Polymorphism with Coronary Artery Disease Positive Subjects

  • Pusapati Madan Ranjit College of Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada, A.P, India.
  • Girijasankar Guntuku College of Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada, A.P, India.
  • Ramesh Babu Pothineni College of Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada, A.P, India.
Keywords: Coronary artery disease, Lipoprotein lipase, Atherogenic indices, Gene polymorphism.


Dyslipidemia is renowned as a prominent risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular diseases such as formation of plaques in arteries, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, sudden coronary death, stable angina and unstable angina. CAD may be due to dysfunctional mutations in lipoproteins or lipoprotein-related genes. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) plays an important role in lipid metabolism. Our aim of the present study is to determine the association and prediction of risk cases by using atherogenic indices and Hind-III LPL gene polymorphism. Atherogenic indices are a powerful indicator to predict the risk of coronary artery diseases. The atherogenic indices of CAD negative and positive are CRI-I (4.68±0.08; 6.46±0.12), CRI-II (3.03±0.06; 3.99±0.15), TG/HDL-c (3.27±0.19; 7.40±0.62), AIP (0.45±0.02; 0.81±0.03) and AC (3.68±0.08; 5.39±0.13) observed respectively. These results indicate atherogenic indices are may be useful for identifying an individual at higher risk of cardiovascular disease in the clinical practices especially and not markedly deranged or in centers with insufficient resources to predict the CVS risk. In the case of Hind-III LPL gene polymorphism; TT genotype frequency was found to be significantly higher in CAD positive subjects than the controls and CAD negative subjects. More than threefold was increased risk for CAD development under the codominant model. Correspondingly, the T allele frequency of intron 8 T >G polymorphism was elevated in CAD positive subjects (95 % CI; 2.19 (1.28- 3.75) p=0.003) compared to controls. LPL intron 8 T >G gene polymorphism (rs320) results support the above data; T allele (H+) was associated with various cardiovascular risks such as positively correlated with carotid artery atherosclerosis, higher risk of myocardial infarction and higher plasma triglycerides and lower HDL-cholesterol.