Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Herbal Plant Extracts- Achyranthus aspera

  • Shahazadi Parveen Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Banmore, Ab Road, Madhya Pradesh 476444
Keywords: Antimicrobial; achyranthus aspera; phytochemical screening; disc diffusion.


The plant species Achyranthes aspera from the family Amaranthaceae is a vital healthful and medicated herb found throughout in India. Although most of its components are employed in ancient systems of medicines such as seeds, roots and shoots are foremost necessary components that are used for treatment of disease. The article provides associate degree account on updated info about phyto-chemical and anti-microbial activity. Chloroform and methyl alcohol root and shoot extracts of A. aspera showed sensible quantity of medication activity against enterobacteria sp. Root extract showed the activity against B. Substilis solely antifungal activity of roots was found in extracts with petroleum ether, chloroform and methyl alcohol against fusarium sp. Phytophothora and Sclerouum sp. Results recommend that extract has important medication and antifungal activities against tested microorganisms.