Level of Psychological Problems and Coping Strategies of Elderly Persons Residing in Old Age Homes

  • R Nishanthi SRM College of Nursing, SRM University, Chennai
  • Ranjani Priya ES College of Nursing,Villupuram.
Keywords: Old age, Old Age Home, Ageing, Elderly, Psychological Problems, Coping Strategies.


Ageing refers to a sequence of changes across a life span of an individual. Gerontology is one of the neglected fields in India. Since institutionalization is a growing problem, the elderly facing psychological problems and need to cope with the situation. The present study assessed the relationship between psychological problems and coping strategies of elderly persons residing in old age home. Descriptive research design was adopted. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select the samples. A sample 100 was selected. The Investigator obtained permission from the concerned Authorities of the old age homes. Informed consent was taken from the subjects. The investigator used standardized scale to assess the psychological problems and the coping strategies of elderly persons. The data were analyzed by the means of descriptive and inferential statistics. The study results for the psychological problems of elderly persons reveals that majority 60% of them were had moderate level of psychological problems and 43% of the elderly persons were had at fair level of coping strategies. The present study concluded that there was negative correlation found between Psychological problems and Coping strategies. It means if their coping increases psychological problems decreases.