Formulation and Evaluation of the Sustained Release Tablet of Ketorolac Tromethamine Using Natural Polymer as an Extended Releasing Agent

  • Gadhave M V VJSM’s Vishal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research, Ale, Pune, INDIA
  • Deokar Rutuja V VJSM’s Vishal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research, Ale, Pune, INDIA
  • Jadhav S L VJSM’s Vishal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research, Ale, Pune, INDIA
  • Gaikwad D D VJSM’s Vishal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research, Ale, Pune, INDIA
Keywords: Ketorolac Tromethamine, Aloe Vera Gel Powder, Sustained release tablets, release retarding ability.


Sustained release tablets of Ketorolac Tromethamine were formulated using Aloe vera Gel Powder as extended drug releasing agent. The tablets were evaluated for preformulation studies like angle of repose, bulk density, compressibility index and physical characteristics like hardness, weight variation, friability and drug content. In-vitro release of drug was carried out in phosphate buffer solution pH 6.8 for twelve hours. All the physical characters of the formulated tablet were found within the acceptable limit. The tablet with Aloe Vera gel powder in Batch-F3 exhibited greater drug release than other batches. It is proved from the dissolution profile of Ketorolac Tromethamine, that Aloe Vera gel powder possess the drug release retarding ability.