Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from the Leaf Extract of Volkameria inermis

  • Lavanya Krishnadhas Department of Biochemistry, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – 43, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Santhi R Department of Biochemistry, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – 43, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Annapurani S Department of Biochemistry, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – 43, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Nanoparticles; Green synthesis; Plant-extract; Synthetic drugs.


Nanoparticles are gaining interest in biomedical applications due to its importance such as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-cancer agents. Conventional methods for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles involves toxic reagents which produce harmful by-products and are hazardous to the environment. To overcome these limitations, green synthesis of nanoparticles was established. Eco-friendly methods using plant extracts are gaining popularity due to the abundance of raw materials and the production of non-toxic by-products threatening to the environment. Moreover, the nanoparticles synthesized from the plant extract are cost-effective. In addition, nanoparticles produced by green synthesis methods produces synergetic effect where both the nanoparticles as well as the natural bioactive constituents of the plant influence the biocidal properties. Different methods namely heating in water bath, microwave oven and exposure to bright sunlight were adopted for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Plant extract based synthesis of silver nanoparticles was eco-friendly and shows an alternative promise in bio-medical applications and it undertakes the negative effects of synthetic drugs.