Antituberculosis Screening of Crude Extracts of M.Spicata(Dalz.) Nicolson

  • D G Karpe P.G.Dapartment of Chemistry, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Shrigonda, Dist-Ahmednagar (MS)
  • S P Lawande P.G.Dapartment of Chemistry, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Shrigonda, Dist-Ahmednagar (MS)
Keywords: M.spicata , antituberculosis , soxhlet extraction, Minimal Inhibition Concentration.


World Health Organization reports on Tuberculosis shows that TB is a big problem in the world. More than 23% cases of Tuberculosis found in India amongst global total. Plants are good sources of phytomedicines. Plants contain active constituents and are easily available in nature. The present study was done to evaluate In-vitro antituberculosis activity of crude extracts of m.spicata .We used Minimal Inhibition Concentration (MIC) method to evaluate the antituberculosis activity. Higher concentarations of crude extracts were needed to show antitubercular activity as compared with standard reference drug Isoniazid.