Investigation on Physicochemical Properties of Biochar Produce Through Different Gas Flow Rates in an Open Core Downdraft Gasifier

  • KETAN SAKARIYA M.Tech Scholar, Deptt. of Renewable Energy Engg., College of Ag. Engg. and Tech., Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • P M CHAUHAN Professor, Deptt. of Renewable Energy Engg., College of Ag. Engg. and Tech., Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • DIVYESH R VAGHELA Assistant Professor, Dett. of Renewable Energy Engineering, Parul Institute of Technology, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Keywords: Cotton stalk biochar (CSB), Open core downdraft gasifier, Gasification, Physicochemical properties, Biomass


Biochar was produced using cotton stalk through open core downdraft gasifier at 18, 20, 22, and 24 m3/h gas flow rate, and produced biochar was analyzed for physicochemical properties for suitable application. The average bulk density of shredded cotton stalk biochar was found as 179.21 kg/m³. The proximate analysis of shredded cotton stalk biochar in terms of fixed carbon, volatile matter, ash content; and the ratio of volatile matter to fixed carbon were found as 33.56, 49.48, 5.50 (%, d.b), and 1.47, respectively. The maximum value of gasification efficiency founded at 22 m3/h thus the values of pH, EC, O.C., available N, P O , K O, S, and CEC of biochar 2 5 2 was found as 10.35, 9.90 dS/m, 2.85 %, 0.0014 %, 0.015013 %, 1.284 %, 0.047 % and 48.00 me/100gm, respectively.
Research Article