Onion Performance in Response to Zinc and Sulphur Application

  • RAJANEESH . SINGH Department of Horticulture, T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur, 222 002,Uttar Predesh, India
  • BIJENDRA K SINGH Department of Fruit Science, CoH, BUA & T, Banda, Uttar Predesh, India
  • AMAN . SRIVASTAV Department of Horticulture, T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur, 222 002,Uttar Predesh, India
  • VIRENDRA KUMAR PATEL Department of Horticulture, T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur, 222 002,Uttar Predesh, India
  • AKHILESH . RAWAT Department of Horticulture, T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur, 222 002,Uttar Predesh, India
Keywords: Nitrogen, Onion, Yield, Zinc, Sulphur, Plant height, Leaf area, Net returns.


The experiment was conducted Jaunpur, U.P. to study the response of different doses of zinc and sulphur on growth and yield of onion. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 12 treatments with three replicates each. Maximum plant height 60.53 (cm), number of leaves per plants 9.98, leaf length 54.74 (cm), leaf width 147(cm), leaf area 90.86 (cm), fresh weight of bulb 187.98 (g), dry weight of bulb117.36 (g), bulb length 6.85 (cm), thickness (bulb width) of bulb before curing 7.95 (cm), thickness (bulb width) of bulb after curing 7.16 (cm), dry matter of plant124.68 (g), bulb 230.44 yield/ha (q), net returns (Rs 227235 ha-1) and B:C ratio (1:5:60) were obtained with the T i.e. RDF + 3 Kg Zn + 40 Kg S. Whereas, 12 minimum plant growth, yield and net return and B:C ratio were recorded under treatment (T ) 1 control. Above result showed that T was best in all treatments, so farmers may be adopt it for 12 cultivation.
Research Article