Performance of Seed-cum-fertilizer Drill, Zero Till Drill and Broadcasting Method for Sowing Greengram

  • B MOHANTA Scientist (Agricultural Engineering), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jajpur, Odisha, India
  • PL PRADHAN Associate Professor, College of Agricultural Engg. and Tech., OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Keywords: Greengram, mechanization, seed- cum- fertilizer drill, zero till drill, yield, B:C


Pulses provide the required protein supplement to the vegetarian people. Pulse is the most important food crop in India and from all integral part of the cropping system farmers all over the country. Greengram or mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) is the major pulse crop of the state Odisha covering total area of 8.36 lakh ha with average productivity 434 kg per ha, which is about 40 percent of the total pulse area of the state. Present study was conducted for zero-till drill and seed- cum- fertilizer drill for sowing on the yield of greengram in the year 2016-17 in village Niladeipur and Achyutpur village of Jajpur district in Rabi season. It is found that zero-till drill is having highest benefit-cost ratio of 2.07 as compared to 1.90 with seed drill and 1.77 with broadcasting. Use of zero till drill for sowing of green gram was economical as the costs of fuel, labour and inputs are saved. It can save around Rs. 1750/- per hectare required for field preparation.
