Biplot Analysis to Evaluate Wheat Performance and Adaptability inn Multilocation Trials of Peninsular Zone

  • AJAY VERMA ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal 132001
  • BHUDEVA SINGH TYAGI ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal 132001
  • GYANENDRA SINGH ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal 132001
Keywords: AMMI analysis, Biplot plots, BLUP and Non parametric measures


Highly significant effects of environments (55.2%), genotype x environments interactions (19.3%) and genotypes (7.3%) were observed by AMMI analysis of twenty wheat genotypes evaluated at ten major locations of the peninsular zone during last cropping season. AMMI Stability Value had exploited the 62.8% of the interaction components had identified UAS3021, UAS3020, NIAW4183 whereas MASV and Superiority Index had settled for UAS3021, HD3469B, MACS3949 wheat genotypes. BLUP based measures analytic measures had settled for MACS6811, HI8826, UAS3020, NWS2222.Composite non parametric measure NPi(1) and NPi(2) had identified MACS6222, UAS3021, MACS3949,PWU15 for stable performance. Biplot analysis had observed PWU15, HI8841, HI8826, HD3469B, UAS3201genotypes were placed at far places from the origin. Ninety degree association had observed of HMGV, HMGV*Mean b with NPi(4) and SD values. AMMI based measures had also showed the ninety degree angles with rays corresponding to BLUP based analytic measures. Straight line angle of CV had observed with IPC3 and of IPC2 with rASV, IPC7 with HMGV, IPC6 with GAI measure.
Research Article