Ayurvedic dosage forms: an introductory sight

  • Ravindra . Semwal Department of Pharmacy, Government Polytechnic Gauchar, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India.
Keywords: Ayurveda Dosage form Natural source Swarasa


Ayurvedic dosage forms have been in practice for thousands of years and have shown to work for people over that time. These are equally popular in recent time due to their health friendly nature. In Ayurveda, these dosage forms are mentioned as Kalpana which are prepared in liquid, semisolid and solid forms. Many dosage forms such as Kwatha, Kalka and Churna are among the most accepted forms. In this review, it is trying to give a brief account of various Ayurvedic dosage forms including their preparation method together with the concise information about selected popular dosage forms.