Ahara-vidhi-vidhan (dietary guidelines): a comparison of eating habits in Ayurveda and modern age

  • Deepak Kumar Sahu Department of Samhita and Siddhant, Government Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
  • Gunvanti . Ratre Department of Samhita and Siddhant, Government Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
  • L. C. Harjpal Department of Samhita and Siddhant, Government Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Keywords: Ahara-vidhi Ayurveda Balance diet Lifestyle disorders Charaka


In the present lifestyle, where everyone is busy in achieving their life goals, the people are escaping the normal routine of food habits, due to which they are facing various lifestyle disorders. This can be overcome by following detail discipline and process to take the Ahara (food). The three basic pillars of Ayurveda are Ahara (food), Nidra (sleep) and Brahmacharya (following the path of God Brahma). Among these, Ahara has been placed first which shows it is important to maintain and sustain life. Ahara-vidhi-vidhana described in Ayurvedic classics are the foundation of dietetics, which indicates the method of Ahara i.e., ushna, snigdha, matravata (adequate quantity) and jirne ashniyat (food after digestion of previous meal). The present concept note is written on the basis of literature available online as well as the textbooks including Ayurvedic classics. The diet and its method of intake have an important role in the continuity of a healthy life. The rules and methods of dietary intake are effective in the maintenance of health as well as in curative aspects for many diseases. Ayurvedic classics are store-house of valuable thoughts, in the present lifestyle, none care about health and consequences of eating and drinking habits, which leads to having many disorders. It is very important aspects regarding dietetics that when to take the food and many diseases can be prevented arising merely due to faulty dietary habits.