Economic analysis of groundnut cultivation in Chitradurga district of Karnataka state

  • Y. N. NEERAJA Department of Agricultural Economics, College of AgricultureUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • G. N. KULKARNI Department of Agricultural Economics, College of AgricultureUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • B. R. JAMAKHANDI Department of Agricultural Economics, College of AgricultureUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • M. B. DODDAMANI Department of Agricultural Economics, College of AgricultureUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Cost, Groundnut, Returns


The study was conducted by personal interview of sample cultivators with a specially designed schedule. Forthis study 80 groundnut cultivators were selected randomly from two taluks viz., Hiriyur and Challakere of Chitradurgadistrict. Applied cost concepts were used to analyse the economics of groundnut cultivation. The farmers were groupedinto irrigated and rain fed. The per hectare cost of cultivation was marginally more in irrigated condition and was found tobe `51,448.56 and `55,207.42 under rain-fed and irrigated area respectively. The productivity of the groundnut crop wasmore in irrigated area (22.98 q/ha.) when compared to rain fed area (20.45 q/ha) with a yield difference of 11.01 per cent. Itwas noticed that the higher gross returns were received by irrigated farmers (`117419.55/ha) than the rain fed farmers(`104515.55/ha) by 10.98 per cent. The farm business income over Cost-A1, family labour income over Cost-B2 were alsohigher by 14.69 per cent and 16.90 per cent in irrigated area when compared to rainfed area. The net returns realized perhectare were more by 22.10 per cent for irrigated farmers (`35092.77/ha) than the rain fed farmers (`27336.03/ha).The benefit cost ratio was 1.42 for irrigated farmers while it was 1.35 for rainfed farmers