Factors influencing occupational stress among government and aided high school principals

  • SUPRIYA PADANAD Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community ScienceUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • LATA PUJAR Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community ScienceUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • MANJULA PATIL Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community ScienceUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • EENA JADHAV Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community ScienceUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Occupational stress, High school principals, Socio economic status


Principals play a vital role in the society by helping students acquire knowledge, moral values and strengthen theschool. A study was conducted to examine the factors influencing occupational stress among government and aided highschool principals. Study sample comprised of 60 principals from Belagavi District and 60 principals from Kalburgi Districtwho attended State Institute of School Leadership and Educational Planning (SISLEP) training at Dharwad. OccupationalStress Index were used to know the nature and condition of job experience and Socio Economic Status scale of theprincipals.Results revealed that, majority of government and aided high school principals had moderate level of occupationalstress and principals who belonged to 46-50 years in government school and 51-55 years in aided schools had more ofoccupational stress. Female principals and those who had below 3 years work experience as headmaster and 10-20 years ofteaching experience had high level of occupational stress. Study results indicates the need for guidance/ counselling,orientation programme to high school principals to reduce their occupational stress.