Survey on the incidence of pigeonpea sterilitymosaic disease in Northern Karnataka

  • MANISHA BADUGU Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, VijayapurUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005(Karnataka), India
  • G. U. PREMA Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, VijayapurUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005(Karnataka), India
  • M. M. JAMADAR Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, VijayapurUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005(Karnataka), India
Keywords: Incidence, Mosaic, Pigeonpea, Sterility


The present investigation to study the incidence of sterilitymosaic disease in major pigeonpea growing areas i.e.,Vijayapur andBagalkote revealed that the SMD incidence ranged from 15.35 percent to 28.24 per cent in both the districts. Among them, Vijayapurrecorded highest mean disease incidence of 21.60 per cent followedby Bagalkote with mean disease incidence of 20.69 per cent incidence.In Vijayapur district, the highest average per cent disease incidence of23.21 per cent was observed in Vijayapur taluk and among villages,Vijayapur out skirts recorded highest mean disease incidence of28.24 per cent and lowest disease incidence of 16.89 per cent wasobserved in Almatti village. In Bagalkote district, the highest averageper cent disease incidence was observed in Jamakhandi taluk with24.79 per cent and lowest per cent disease incidence of 17.27 per centwas recorded in Hungund taluk. Among villages, highest per centdisease incidence of 26.45 per cent was recorded in Jamakhandi andlowest per cent disease incidence of 15.35 was observed in Hiremagivillage. The main reason for the outbreak of sterility mosaic disease inthe above districts is may be due to extensive and continuouscultivation of the same cultivars like Gulyal local and TS-3R yearafter year and the epidemiological factors favouring the spread of themites