Performance of maize hybrid NK-6240 undercurrent climate in different districts of north interiorKarnataka

  • B. V. NARGAL Department of Agricultural MeteorologyCollege of Agriculture DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005Karnataka, India
  • R. H. PATIL Department of Agricultural MeteorologyCollege of Agriculture DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005Karnataka, India
  • K. G. SUMESH Department of Agricultural MeteorologyCollege of Agriculture DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005Karnataka, India
  • S. R. SALAKINKOP Department of Agricultural MeteorologyCollege of Agriculture DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005Karnataka, India
Keywords: Current climate, Maize hybrid NK-6240, North interior Karnataka


Maize (Zea mays) is one of the important commercialcrops of north interior Karnataka (NIK) cultivated under both rainfedand irrigated conditions. NK-6240 is a promising private hybrid usedby the farmers of NIK. Quantifying the yield potential of this hybridacross 12 districts of NIK having an area of 88,361 km2 helps tocategorise the areas which are more suitable to realize high yields andareas where the urgent measures are needed to improve the yieldlevels. For this, calibrated and validated DSSAT-CERES model wasused to run simulations under current climate for the period from1988 to 2018 in rainfed conditions on both black and red soils acrosseight dates of sowing in 12 districts of NIK. This study found thataverage grain yield simulated under current climate (1988-2018) inrainfed condition was the highest in Bidar (8066 kg ha-1) districtfollowed by Dharwad (7872 kg ha-1), Bagalakote (7847 kg ha-1) andGadag (7523 kg ha-1) while the lowest yield was simulated in Koppal(4878 kg ha-1) district followed by Ballari (5782 kg ha-1), Raichur(5954 kg ha-1) and Yadagiri (6452 kg ha-1). The difference in yieldbetween the highest and lowest was 3188 kg ha-1i.e., 65 per cent.Hence, this study concluded that under current climate Bidar, Dharwadand Bagalakote districts are the best districts to grow maize hybridNK-6240 and the districts whose current rainfed yields are low needsto employ irrigation at critical stages to enhance yield.