Efficacy of fish marketing channel in selected districts of North Karnataka

  • H. R. HARISH KUMAR Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • B. R. JAMAKHANDI Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Marketing channels, Marketing efficiency, Price spread


Marketing plays an important role to reach goods from producers to ultimate consumers. Hence, an attempt hasmade to identify the marketing channels, estimate price spread, marketing costs, margin and efficiency of fish marketing inDharwad and Belagavi districts of North Karnataka. The study is purely based on primary data collected from the30 market intermediaries through well-structured pre-tested schedules. There were different marketing channels for Banguda(Rastrellingerkanaguta), Surmai (Scomberomorusguttatus) and pomfert (Pampusargenteus) and three channels for Catla(Catlacatla). Shepherd’s Marketing Efficiency Index Method was used to examine the efficiency of different marketingchannels for selected fish species. Among the identified channels, Channel I is more efficient for Banguda, Surmai andPomfert and catla as indicated by the marketing efficiency in both the districts.