Association of endophytes with soybean crop in northern Karnataka and parts of Maharashtra

  • K. S. BRUNDA Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • SHAMARAO JAHAGIRDAR Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Association, Endophytes, Roving survey, Soybean


A roving survey was undertaken in kharif 2017 to collect healthy soybean plants in northern Karnataka viz.,Belagavi, Haveri, Bidar, Dharwad and parts of Maharashtra viz., Kolhapur and Sangli districts. A total of 30 fungal (4 fromroot, 11 from stem and 15 from leaf) and 30 bacterial (6 from root, 13 from stem and 11 from leaf) endophytes were isolatedfrom soybean. Maximum number of endophytes were obtained from Belagavi district (10 fungal and 11 bacterial endophytes)followed by Dharwad district (8 fungal and 7 bacterial endophytes). Maximum endophyte association was observed inirrigated condition (1.38 &1.63), black soils (1.31 &1.46) and vegetative stage (1.73 &1.27). Among the soybean varieties,the highest number of endophytes were isolated from DSb 21 (1.80 &2.00) followed by KDS 344 (1.00 &2.00).