Trends in area, production and productivity of major coarse cereals in Hyderabad-Karnataka region:An economic analysis

  • P. M. BASAVARAJ Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • PRABHULING TEVARI Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • JAGRATHTI B. DESHMANYA Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • G. B. LOKESH Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
  • B.Y. SIDRAM Department of Agricultural Economics,University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur - 584 104, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Coarse cereals, Compound annual growth rate


India with its diversified agricultural assets in terms of soil, rainfall and climate. Hence, it has abundant cropdiversity. Trends in area, production and productivity of major coarse cereals in Hyderabad-Karnataka region was estimatedusing the compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The necessary secondary data were collected for a period of 27 years from1991-92 to 2017-18. Maize, bajra and sorghum were selected purposively because these three crops occupied highest areaunder coarse cereals group and rest of the coarse. In maize crop there was an increasing trend in area and production, butdecreasing trend in productivity. In bajra crop there was an decreasing trend in area and production, but increasing trend inproductivity. In sorghum crop there was an decreasing trend in area and production, but increasing trend in productivity. Toimprove the area and production of these two crops minimum support price (MSP) should be incentivised to meet out foodand nutritional security.
