Analysis of benefits accrued by stakeholders from storage of different commodities in thewarehouses in Karnataka

  • NINGAMMA BASAVANNAVAR Department of Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
  • BASAVARAJ BANAKAR Department of Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, DharwadUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Central Warehouse Corporation, Farmers, Karnataka State Warehouse Corporation, Storage, Traders


Warehousing is an essential infrastructure for trade, commerce and physical distribution of agricultural goods. Ithelps to overcome distress sale especially for farmers and the price fluctuations during the peak season. The importantbenefit stakeholders like farmers and traders get from storage is financial assistance by pledging the Negotiable WarehouseReceipts (NWR) in scheduled commercial banks which is received against the storage of commodities in warehouses ofCentral Warehouse Corporation (CWC), Karnataka State Warehouse Corporation (KSWC) and private warehouses. In thiscontext the present study analyses the benefits gained by the stakeholders mainly farmers and traders by storing differentcommodities in the above-mentioned warehouses in Karnataka. The study was conducted in Gulbarga and Dharwaddistricts which were purposively selected based on large number of warehouses present in the selected study areas. Overall,11 warehouses were selected from each of the two districts. Among these three farmers and three traders with total of 66farmers and 66 traders were selected from warehouses of the study area. Primary information was gathered by usingpersonnel interview method through pretested questionnaire during 2016-17 and collected data was analyzed by tabular andpercentage analysis. The benefits accrued from storage of commodities were mainly short duration crops like green gram,maize, Bengal gram, black gram etc.