Precision nitrogen management in irrigated wheat(Triticum dicoccum L.) using optical sensor

  • B. NIKHIL KUMAR Department of AgronomyCollege of AgricultureUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005Karnataka, India
  • T. SUDHA T Department of AgronomyCollege of AgricultureUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005Karnataka, India
Keywords: Green Seeker, Nitrogen use efficiency, Split application


Remote sensing based nitrogen managenent is a new strategy havingrelationship between NDVI value derived from satellite data or GreenSeeker optical sensor with biomass index. The objective was to studythe sensor based precision management on growth, yield andefficiencies of applied nitrogen in wheat. A field experiment wasconducted to study the Precision nitrogen management in irrigatedWheat using optical sensor at University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad, Karnataka on medium deep soil during rabi 2018-19.Treatments comprised of nitrogen management practices with richplot where higher dose of 100 kg nitrogen was applied and absolutecontrol, four Green Seeker guided treatments where recommended Nwas applied in two and three splits. Higher N use efficiency wasrecorded with Green Seeker guided N management with N fertilizersaving to the extent of 46 % over N rich plot, 10 % over RDF and40 % over 90 kg N. Higher grain yield and net returns was recordedby application of 20 kg N as basal + 20 kg N at CRI + Green Seekerguided N management(43.45 q/ha )and ( 52794/ha) respectively.