Karnataka land resource inventory portal: One stop solution for optimal resourceallocation and conservation at farm level for maneuvering of agriculture

  • U. SATISHKUMAR Professor and Head Department of Soil and water engineering, CAE, RaichurAssistant professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry CoA, Raichur
  • N. L. RAJESH Professor and Head Department of Soil and water engineering, CAE, RaichurAssistant professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry CoA, Raichur
Keywords: Decision support system, Hydrological cycle, Nutrient


The watershed Development Department (World Bank supported Sujala-III project) in consortium with StateAgricultural, Horticultural and Veterinary Universities, NBSS&LUP and Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru hasdeveloped Land Resource Portal (2019) to strengthen the science based planning for optimal use of land and waterresources, conservation practices and crop planning both at cadastral (1:7920) and watershed scales simultaneously. Theportal designed and developed to host digital data base (spatial and non-spatial) and data products (climatic, soil-water –crop relations) through characterization and depiction of status of soil, geology, land slope, components of hydrologicalcycle, socio- economic bench mark credentials pertaining to 1.4 M ha (so far) of rainfed tracts across 11 Districts. Theportal provides GIS-integrated decision support on Soil &Water conservation plan, Crop Selection, Land CapabilityClassification, Nutrient Management, Surface Runoff, Designing of Size &location of Farm Ponds, Crop Water Requirement,Water Balance, and Water Budgeting both at farm holding level and at watershed level benefiting in timely problem solvingwith improved efficiency for dealing with agricultural situations of rapidly changing variables.