Extent of utilization of ICT tools by scientists and extensionprofessionals of research and extension system

  • A. PARVATHY Ph. D Scholar, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
  • S. S. DOLLI Professor of Agril. Extension Education and, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
  • G. N. KULKARNI Professor of Agril. Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Internet, Personal computer, Smart phone, Utilization index


The study was conducted in Karnataka and Kerala states in India during the year 2016-18 to assess the utilizationof ICT tools by personnel of research and extension system. Among ICT tools, internet and smart phone was found to havecent per cent utilization by scientists of ICAR institute, SAU, KVK and SDA. Use of personal computer was found to behigh in SAU (100.00 %) followed by KVK (98.33 %), ICAR institute (96.67 %) and SDA (93.33 %). Storage devices alsofound to have higher utilization among personnel of ICAR institute (95.00 %) followed by SAU and KVK (91.67 % each)and SDA (88.33 %). Utilization of LCD projector was found to be higher for SAU teachers (80.00 %) followed by KVKprofessionals (68.33 %) and ICAR scientists (63.33 %), while none of the officials of SDA used projector. Scientists ofICAR institute found to have higher utilization of ICTs followed by scientists of KVK, scientists or teachers of SAU,whereas utilization of ICTs was lower by officials of SDA. Major purpose of utilization of computer or laptop bypersonnel of SAU (97.67 %), ICAR institutes (96.33 %), KVK (96.00 %) and SDA (95.67 %) was word processing.Foremost purpose of utilization of internet was information access in case of scientists or officials of SAU (100.00 %),ICAR institute (96.67 %), SDA (95.56 %) and KVK (91.67 %). Utilization indices of smartphone or mobile phone forpurpose of information access was found to be 91.00 per cent for KVK personnel followed by 81.00 per cent for SAUteachers or scientists, while it was 69.00 and 65.00 per cent, respectively for SDA officials and ICAR scientists