Study on utilization of e-Resources in agriculture education

  • JAGRATI B. DESHMANYA Professor and Head,Department of Agricultural Economics, UAS-Raichur
  • RASHTRARAKSHAK . PhD Scholar,Department of Agricultural Economics, UAS-Raichu
  • HUCHHAPPA GONDALI PhD Scholar,Department of Agricultural Extension Education, UAS-Raichur
Keywords: e-Resources, Post graduate, Research, Teachers, Under-graduate


Different communication systems have influenced the twentieth century. The introduction and usage of IT is themost important invention of the century that affects scientific communication. Different goods and services were developedby application of computers to information processing. The academic environment has therefore undergone significantchanges in these years, which have taken on new dimensions shaped by technological applications. Libraries have undergonea significant transformation both in the growth of their collections and their service systems in recent years. Electronicresources are the electronic representation of information. They are available in various forms like e-books, digital libraries,online journal magazine, e-learning tutors and on line test. Because of the effective presentation with multimedia tools, thesee-resources have become the source of information. E-resources may include e-journals, e-news, e-mail on line chatting, etccan be called as an e-resources. Therefore, this research paper aimed to find the utilization of e-resources in agricultureeducation by the students, researchers and teachers in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. An interviewschedule was prepared and distributed among the students, researchers and teachers to collect the desired data. A total of120 schedules were distributed of which 50 were under-graduate students, 50 were post-graduate students and 20 wereuniversity teachers. The study found that majority of the post-graduate students and teachers used the e-resources forresearch purpose, while majority of the undergraduate students used e-resources for preparation to face the JRF exams. Itwas also found that majority of the respondents used e-resources in PDF form. According to the cent percent of respondentse-resources were helpful to the extent of 85 per cent and above. Overall it was found that e-resources were highly helpfulin improvement of agricultural education and research